Thursday, July 5, 2012

Day 4

It has been a great week and we officially ended our time at our service sites. This week has really flown by and it seems like we just started serving here yesterday. It is great to see the students wishing that we could stay a few extra days to serve at the sites. I've asked the students many times how they have seen God at work that day. I have heard so many cool stories about how students have seen God at work in not only their lives, but also in the lives of the people they have been serving. Today, we got the privilege of having a community cookout where we were able to invite many people from our work sites to come join us for some food and fellowship. There were two homeless men that came to the cookout and the students were talking to them and were able to find out about their lives. The two men had been struggling with their faith for quite some time and had been through some pretty rough situations, and we had a group of 7 students gather around them and pray for them. It was truly an incredible thing to witness our students reaching out and loving people in such a huge way. They have really come outside their comfort zones and have done such a great job loving the loveless. All of you parents should be VERY VERY proud of your students. It has been such a blessing to see the change and the hearts of these students. It has inspired me to love better. God has done an amazing work with us and my prayer is that we can take this back to our homes. Please continue to pray that we would finish up this trip strong, even to the end. Your prayers have been felt. Thanks!

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