Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Day 5 - Construction Part Three

Another beautiful day in Haiti, it started out with another good breakfast and then off to the construction site. Today we finished putting the rafters up and made a lot of headway. We also got the full tour of the Loving Shepherd ranch, it was very neat to see some of the different things they are doing and Shane explained some of the different ideas they have for the future at the ranch.

Tonight we came back around 5:30 for dinner so that we could eat dinner and go to a bible study at one of the missionary's home. It was fun doing a bible study with people from all over the world who have come to Haiti to share the message of Christ.

Finally, we returned to the guest house where we were staying and decided it was time to take a short trek to a favorite tarantula hunting site (yes were actually looking for big hair spiders). We actually found five of them in a short time, not something you get to do everyday in Indiana.

See a few of our pictures from the day below.

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