Saturday, June 23, 2012

Making the trek home

One thing we take for granted...being connected to the internet--access has been very limited since we arrived in Managua as of Thursday evening.

All week long we worked on building relationships within the three communities ECC supports and it was an absolute blast to see our team bond as we wrapped up the week. We spent some at the Monkey Hut which involved swimming in an old volcano that is now a lake!

We hopped on the bus and headed to the top of another mountain, got strapped into our harnesses and...ziplined through the rainforest--every one one of us!!

Today, we begin our travel home. Family and friends be ready to receive a bunch of excited students and volunteers filled with stories and ways in which Christ changed their lives. Please do us a favor and ask us about our trip--but be ready to be touched by the stories we will share!

See you in church on Sunday morning.

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