Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 6 - Final Construction Day

Today was our final day of construction. We had a long ways to go and without the option of staying longer we had to make sure everything was standing solid before we left.

Our day started early like each day with some really big pancakes to get us started. Then off to the ranch. It takes approximately 30 minutes to get to the ranch from the guesthouse. The trip is probably only 10 miles or less but there is only a couple miles of paved road so we have to move pretty slow.

Once at the ranch we had a lot of help from 5 Haitians so we were able to move pretty fast. Although the language barrier was a slight issue the construction pros on our trip did a great job keeping them on track and showing them the ropes.

We worked all day and left the ranch a little after 6:00 in great shape. It was a little sad leaving the ranch for the last time but it was nice leaving the barn and the Haitians at a point where they can continue the work.

See the pictures below of our last day in Les Cayes. Tomorrow morning we will be making the trek back to Port Au Prince and then back to Fort Wayne on Saturday!

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